Testings based on the carcinogenic agent for the post-exposure medical surveillance

Employees who have been exposed to carcinogenic agents or processes as part of their occupational activity are entitled, if they so request, to post-exposure medical surveillance paid for by Social Security. They may choose the physician they want. The testings are based on the carcinogenic agent in question.

The arrêté du 6 décembre 2011 specifies the medical surveillance : for carcenogenic agents who are not listed in this arrêté, the medical officer (Social security) decides which is the appropriate surveillance.


Carcinogenic agents  Examinations to be performed
Asbestos Medical examination and chest scan  :
every 5 years in case of high exposure,
every 10 years for intermediate exposure
Aromatic amines Every 2 years :
medical examination,
urinary analysis :
research hematuria with test strips
and urinary cytology
Arsenic Every 2 years
– Examination of the skin, abdominal ultrasound
Exposure to vapours, dusts
– medical examination, chest x-rays
Bis-chlorométhyl-ether Every 2 years :
medical examination,
chest x-rays
Benzene Every 2 years :
medical examination,
CBC and platelet count
Vinyl chloride monomer Every 2 years :
medical examination,
transaminase testing
abdominal ultrasound
Chrome Every 2 years :
medical examination
chest x-rays.
Wood dusts Every 2 years
medical examination by ENT,
Ionising radiations  category A Every 2 years :
medical examination,
examination of the skin,
haematological examination,
eventually  chest x-rays
(in case of inhalation of  radioactive substance)
éventually bones radiographs.
Minéral oils,  petroleum derives products Every 2 years :
Dermatology consult
Iron oxides Every 2 years :
medical examination,
chest x-rays.
Nickel Every 2 years :
medical examination by ENT
chest x-rays,
nasal sinus x-rays,
eventually completed with 
sinus scan
Nitrosoguanidines Every 2 years :
neurology consult



Ce tableau détaille le protocole de suivi défini, pour certains cancérogènes, par des textes réglementaires, conformément à l’annexe II de l’arrêté du 28/02/1995 ( JO du 22/03/95).
Ces examens sont pris en charge à 100% par le fonds d’action sanitaire et social de la sécurité sociale.

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