Individuals concerned by post-exposure medical surveillance

A workers who has been exposed to carcinogenic agents or processes or certain mineral dusts as part of his occupational activity is entitled to post-exposure medical surveillance which is free of charge.

Who can benefit from a post-occupational surveillance ?
The role of the Primary Sickness Insurance Fund (Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie (CPAM)
Tables of occupational diseases 

This post-exposure medical surveillance, which is granted on submission of a “attestation d’exposition” filled in by the employer and the occupational physician, is provided according to prescriptions from the individual’s general practitioner

For some occupational cancers, the time limit compensation claim is very long that is why a post-occupational surveillance has been introduced for people  who were exposed during their occupational activity:

  • to carcinogens which are present in occupational tables
  • or to carcinogenic category 1 or 2 ( according to the french labor code R.4411-3 et R.4412-54 ).

Carcinogenic category 1 :
“Substances that are known to be carcinogenic to humans (sufficient information is available to establish the existence of a relationship of cause and effect between human exposure to such substances and the occurrence of a cancer.”

Carcinogenic catégory 2:
“Suspected human carcinogens “

CMR list in european legislation.

Who can benefit from a post-occupational surveillance ?

  • Individuals exposed to certain mineral dusts (art. D. 461-23 of the French Social Security Code).
    An individual who is no longer exposed to an occupational risk that might give rise to an occupational disease mentioned on the lists 25, 44, 91 and 94 is entitled to post-occupational surveillance every five years,
  • Individuals exposed to carcinogenic agents
    Employees who have been exposed to carcinogenic agents or processes as part of their occupational activity are entitled to post-exposure medical surveillance.
  • The inactive persons, job seekers and retired people who have been exposed during their occupational activity to such hazards can also benefit from  post-occupational surveillance every two years

For the employees who are still at work, et were exposed in the past  to carcinogenics category 1 or category 2, it is the occupational physician who makes the post-exposure medical surveillance.

The role of the Primary Sickness Insurance Fund (Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie (CPAM)

  • The Primary Sickness Insurance Fund (Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie (CPAM) gives an appropriate medial care  to every person who asks for one.
  • This surveillance is granted on submission of a document called “attestation d’exposition” and since 2012 called in French « Fiche de prévention des expositions, filled in by the employer and the occupational physician : this document certifies that the worker has previously been exposed to occupational hazards.
  • The physician is paid for the post-exposure medical surveillance by the health and social action fund.

Tables of occupational diseases

In case of exposure to a hazard contained in this tables of occupational diseases, during the occupational activity, post-exposure medical surveillance is possible

  • Table # 6 Occupational diseases caused by ionising radiation
  • Table #10 TER Cancers caused by chromic acid, chromates, alkaline or alkaline earth bichromates and zinc chromate
  • Table #15TER : Bladder lesions caused by aromatic amines and their salts
  • Table #16BIS : Cancers caused by  tars, oils, coal pitch and soot from  coal.
  • Table #20 : Occupational diseases caused by arsenic and its mineral compounds
  • Table #20BIS : Primary bronchogenic carcinoma caused by inhalation of arsenical dusts or vapours .
  • Table #20TER :  Primary bronchogenic carcinoma caused by inhalation of dusts or vapours containing auriferous pyrite.
  • Table #25 :  Occupational diseases caused by inhalation of mineral dusts containing crystalline silica ( quartz, cristobalite, tridymite), crystalline silicates ( kaolin, talcum),  graphite or coal.
  • Table #30 : Occupational diseases caused by inhalation of asbestos dusts
  • Table #30BIS :  Bronchogenic carcinoma caused by inhalation of asbestos dusts
  • Table #36BIS: Cancers caused by derived from petroleum
  • Table #37TER : Cancers caused by  roasting of cupro-nickel mattes.
  • Table #44BIS :  Occupational diseases caused by work in iron mines
  • Table #45 : Occupational diseases caused by the hepatitis A, B, C,D and E viruses
  • Table #47 : Occupational diseases caused by wood dusts
  • Table #70TER :  Primary bronchogenic carcinoma caused by inhalation of  cobalt dust associated with tungsten carbide prior the sintering.
  •  Table #81 : Malignant diseases caused by  caused by dichloromethyl ether
  • Table #85 :  Occupational diseases caused by any of this product : N-méthyl N’nitro N-nitrosoguanidine ; N-éthyl N’nitro N-nitrosoguanidine ; N-méthyl N-nitrosourée ; N-éthyl N-nitrosourée

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