Parkinson’s disease caused by pesticides is recognised as occupational disease
A new table of occupational disease has been created in 2012 to recognise Parkinson’s disease as an occupational disease in French agricultural Social Security scheme. The decree n° 2012-665 has created this new table n° 58 . A lot of epidemiological studies have shown relations between Parkinson’s disease and the occupational exposure to the pesticides. The worker must have been exposed at least during 10 years.
Every year, France use 80 000 tons of pesticides and is the Europe’s number-one country and the third country in the world.
The following criteria must be met cumulitavely to obtain the recognition of Parkinson’s disease as occupational disease :
- the medical diagnosis must be confirmed by a physician certified as a neurologist,
- the Time limit for compensation claim is 1 year
it is the delay between the diagnosis and the end of the exposure, the maximum allowable time between the condition being diagnosed and the moment when the worker is no longer exposed to the risk, - the worker who suffer from Parkinson’ s disease must have been exposed during 10 years to the pesticides to obtain the recongition of the occupational disease.
You can upload the French table of occupational disease n° 58 : Parkinson’s disease